• Vika has conducted a wonderful workshop at Tech Open Air Berlin that became one of the favorite happenings of theconference. Meeting Vicky and seeing her in action was a real inspiration. She is not only a smart, fantastic, charismaticpresenter who inspires her audience, she is also a thought leader who sets the tone and brings in those topics no onespeaks about but everyone desires to be outspoken. I have experienced Vicky as an innovator, super professionalbusiness

    Mounira LaTrache, founder Connected Business

  • Truly a joy to work with Vika. She not only shows up with wisdom and insight but a genuine desire to be ofservice. Vika's interactive workshop on the power of curiosity for storytelling was our highest rated EO learningevent of the year.

    Tariq Al Muhtasib, Entrepreneur’s Organization, EO Vegas President

Welcome! Here is everything you may need:



Vika is a Ukrainian-born, USA-raised, Lisbon-based award-winning storyteller, speaker, and strategist. Her storytelling advisorySTORIES THAT SHIFT focused on leveraging the power of narrative to shift relationships, business, and culture forward. 

Images of Vika for promotional use

Short & Medium biographies of Vika for promotional use


Vika is a Ukrainian-born, USA-raised, Lisbon-based award-winning storyteller, speaker, and strategist.

As a record-breaking young media executive in NYC who worked with Coca-Cola, MARS, and Comcast, Vika understood that whatholds leaders back from change is not change itself but their relationship to change. Her work with Volkswagen, BostonConsulting Group, and Barclays has helped her develop a storytelling methodology that catalyzes change on a cultural level. 

Beyond her teaching, Vika is known for being a world-class speaker and storyteller. She was the award-winner of a New York CityMOTH competition and has been featured in TIME, Dr. Oz, and VICE. 

Vika has dedicated the last five years to studying the role of masculinity - via her global men’s dinner salon - and its impact ontheir emotional well-being, leadership, and relational health in the boardroom and at home. Given 69% of all executives are male,these insights on the emerging narratives of masculinity fuel the work of her storytelling advisory, STORIES THAT SHIFT. 



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