
Part of STORIES THAT SHIFT advisory is dedicated to consulting 1:1 for leaders, and part on consulting for teams.

For individual consulting, we focus on leadership and creative development with a focus on cultivating conscious storytelling from the inside out. BRAVE NEW STORY is a process, broken into semesters ( 3 months at a time, weekly 1hr calls) for creatives, CEO’s, and entrepreneurs. For more details, fill in the “ Let’s Connect” form to schedule an intro call.

  • I extracted so much value that one cannot even put a price tag on working with Vika- it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself honestly. Iam a different person when I read back to what I wanted to achieve on this journey with Vika, I achieved everything I set out to do andso much more. Vika helped me realise who I truly am, helped me verbalise my thoughts, desires and ambitions in a way I struggled todo. It is an honor to be your student.

    Michael Savvides, Founder


  • What special about Vika is that she helps you find the right questions, to reflect, and to better understand yourself. Vika'senergy, optimism, and love are contagious and will impact any human and organization and will help unlocking their talentand more of the good that is within them.

    Eyal Baumel, CEO Yoola